Also see
End Times Passages
End Times Passages
Fulfilled Eschatology: A Brief Introduction by Brian L. Martin
One Page of Seven Reasons Why It's Essential to Study Eschatology
Since it’s such a controversial subject, and since most folks believe that isn’t a “salvation issue,” so many people feel like sharing our thoughts on eschatology just should be avoided, even studying it isn’t necessary. Well, try reading THIS ONE PAGE OF SEVEN REASONS, and see if you still feel the same way afterwards.
A One-Page Overview Of Fulfilled Eschatology
If you just quickly want a snapshot of the general idea of what PRETERISM or fulfilled eschaotolgy is about, THIS PAGE should fulfill that need. But the free 8-page (at least in 8.5″x11″) PDF advertised on the homepage would be better.
How I Arrived At My Current Eschatological Position
Many have asked how I came to arrive at a fulfilled perspective of all biblical eschatology (end-times), that all prophecy has been fulfilled for nearly 2000 years. Well, HERE’S my brief, two-page reply. 🙂
An Overview of Eschatological Time Statements
There are numerous and varied types of time-related statements concerning the return of the Lord and the occurrences such as the resurrection that are slated to accompany that great event, but this PDF (which can be read HERE or better yet HERE) touches on some of the most prominent ones and the immense importance of correctly understanding and applying them to our theology and teaching. You may also listen to the audio for this lesson below if you so desire:
The Kingdom -- The Fulfillment of All of God's Redemptive Work
Has the kingdom existed since Adam & Eve? Or did the kingdom come into existence with Abraham or Moses or David? Or did the kingdom come into existence with Jesus around the time of His death and the Spirit sent on Pentecost in Acts 2? Or did the kingdom come into existence when Jesus returned to close out Old Covenant history at Jerusalem’s demise? And what is the kingdom anyway? Chance a read of my notes in this PDF HERE or better yet HERE. Or take a listen to the audio below:
Last Days! Last Days! Last Days! Seems like such is what every generation for nearly 2000 years now has gone on and on about, obviously indicating that most Christians have never figured out when biblical last days were, are, or will be. So let’s discuss this some. Due to two timeline charts on this PDF, you should download it even if you want to listen to the audio below:
The Law & Its Inheritance
This PDF is the result of a two-part topic I presented at the 2011 Preterist Pilgrim Weekend Seminar in Ardmore, OK. It was video and audio recorded, but the audio didn’t come out on the video, and the two couldn’t be combined, so all I have is the audios which I joined in one file and put into youtube format at the link below. This file was edited in 2018 and is now much smoother and, believe it or not, 18 minutes shorter than it began; it’s now only 75 mintues for both talks in one file. 🙂 These talks were put into booklet form and called “Inheritance Bequeathed–The Law Deceased.” Find it on Amazon.com.
Humanity Before and After All Things Fulfilled
So what now? If there’s any question that ever gets asked of believers in actual (full) preterism, it’s, “So what now?” In this combination of two brief articles that first appeared in Fulfilled! Magazine, you’ll find at least some answers to that question. Just click HERE. Or listen to these article below:
The Spirit After All Things Fulfilled
So, especially in relation to other lessons I have on this site (such as the ones on 1 Cor. 13:8-12 & Eph. 4:7-13), what should we believe about the work of the Spirit after He accomplished His prophesied task? Does He still work supernaturally among God’s people subsequent to His first-generation work? Consider my responses to such questions in PDF form HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
Baptism After All Things Fulfilled
I was raised to believe in water immersion as being absolutely necessary for the forgiveness of sins and being part of the kingdom; I studied it, taught it, debated it, etc. for decades. After years of being a believer in fulfilled theology, I decided I had no choice but to restudy baptism from within that paradigm shift. If you’d like to know what conclusion I reached, you’re welcome to read my summary notes in PDF format HERE. Or you may listen to the audio below:
The Baptism of First Peter 3:18-21 in Its Context
Questions that need answers: {1} To what do the terms “flesh” and “Spirit” in verse 18 refer? {2} Is the “baptism” in verse 21 the fulfillment of a picture or the picture of something yet to be fulfilled? {3} What does the present active tense of “saves” in verse 21 indicate? {4} What’s the correct rendering of the “conscience” clause of verse 21? And what did Peter mean by it? {5} To what does “the filth of the flesh” in verse 21 refer? And finally {6} what’s the nature of the “baptism” in verse 21? So, especially if you’re a fulfilled believer per Luke 21:22, please read this PDF or listen to the following audio:
The Lord's Supper After All Things Fulfilled
I was raised to believe in the observance of the Lord’s supper as being absolutely necessary to remain in favor with God; I studied it, taught it, debated it, etc. for decades. After years of being a believer in fulfilled theology, I decided I had no choice but to restudy this topic from within that paradigm shift. If you’d like to know what conclusion I reached, you’re welcome to read my summary notes in PDF format HERE.
Twenty-Two Eschatology-Related Charts
See a PDF of 22 eschatology-related charts HERE. (About half of these charts are mine; unless they’re labeled, I don’t know to whom the others belong.)
These charts are a great learning tool and can capsulize a lot of information in a concise format. Feel free to clip them out using your favorite graphic software or the Windows Clipping Tool built into Windows 8 and later. Complete instructions on the clipping tool HERE.
Does the Greek Word "mello" Indicate Imminence?
This brief PDF is a result of an in-depth study I forced myself to do of the Greek term “mello.” This study was/is very important due to the way it either supports or doesn’t support fulfilled eschatology. I have MUCH more material on the word, but this is enough at the very least make the openminded person consider digging even deeper on his own, or at least I would hope so. THE MAIN THING IS THIS: It means two things, and those two things are intricately and inextricably linked within the word–it refers to a certainty that is founded upon imminence; imminence is inherent in the term so much so that it necessitates certainty. So take a peak at THIS BRIEF SUMMARY concerning “scholars and mello.” 🙂
Christ - The Lifeguard (Colossians 3:1-4)
So why did Paul in one breath tell our first-generation brethren who had been baptized into Christ that Christ was their life, and then in the next breath tell them that that life was hidden away in Christ so that they needed to concentrate on aiming for it? Did they have it or not? What’s the deal? Find my solution HERE on PDF or click below for the youtube audio of this lesson below:
Passages Supporting Life After Biological Death
As a fulfilled prophecy or preterist eschtology adherent, have you ever wondered if there are actually any passages which support the notion of life after physical/earthly death? I know I have, and it bothered me enough to do some research, and THIS in PDF is the result … so far. 🙂 You’re also more than welcome to listen to the audio for this study: