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End Time Topics
End Time Topics
A Study of Matthew 13:36-43 -- When the Saints Shine
What would you think if you found out that the “field” and the “world” of this parable weren’t talking about our globe after all? Consider this PDF study HERE.. Or listen to this study in audio format below:
A Study of Matthew 16:27-28 -- The Timing of Christ's Return
Do you realize that Jesus actually told people of His generation nearly 2000 years ago that He would return (in what folks today call His “second coming”) before all of them had died off? Find out more in PDF form HERE. Or listen to the audio of this study below:
A Study of Matthew 23:13-33 -- The Seven Woes of Jesus
How would you feel if Jesus called you and your friends a bunch of vipers as well as hypocrites, fools, crypts, and not only children of murderers but also who will follow in their footsteps? Find out HERE why Jesus said such things to some people were a big reason for the fall of Judaism nearly 2000 years ago. Or listen to this study in audio format below:
A Study of Mark 13:32 & 2 Peter 3:8 -- Two Escape Clauses?
Do these statements actually mean what people imply them to mean when they employ them the way they do today? I.e., does the statement of Jesus actually mean that only His Father knows the timing of the second coming? And does the statement of Peter mean that nothing God ever said in regard to the timing of the second coming can be humanly understood in relation to earthly time? Click HERE for downloadable PDF notes, and click below for youtube audio:
A Study of John 14:2-3 -- The Prepared Place
Why did Jesus have to leave His disciples and then later return for them? Has He returned for them yet? When Jesus said on the cross “It is finished,” did He mean that as an all-encompassing statement? I.e., had He actually accomplished everything He was meant to accomplish? Check out PDF HERE or listen to audio below:
A Study of Acts 1:9-11 -- Disappearing in a Cloud
At Jesus’ ascension were there loud angelic shouts and trumpet blasts? Was He seen leaving on a white horse? Did He leave in flaming fire? Did “every eye” see Him leave? Find out in PDF form HERE. Or check it out in audio form below:
A Study of Acts 3:19-21 -- The Times of Refreshing
What and when were the “times of refreshing” spoken of by Peter? We need to know so we can pinpoint when Israel’s sins would be blotted out and when their Messiah would return for them. Open the PDF notes HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
An In-Depth Look at Galatians 4:21-31 by My Firstborn, Matthew R. Denton
As the title indicates, in July of 2014 my eldest finished a comprehensive study of the allegory found in Galatians 4:21-31. It is much more lengthy than the one I plan on putting together, but there is a ton more information of course in his than what will be in my … probably … four-page study. So if you’re looking for something exhaustive on this section of Scripture, this is it! 🙂 Dig in, and please let me know your thoughts so I can share them with my son. Click HERE to see or download the PDF.
A Study of Romans 8:18-23 -- The Groaning Creation
Do animal, mammal, and plant life actually need to be delivered from corruption? Or is it “possible” that the “creation” of which Paul wrote was referring rather to God’s creation of His Old Covenant people for the purpose of giving the world His Messiah? Check out the PDF notes HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of First Corinthians 13:8-12 -- Cessationism?
What in the world did Paul mean by supernatural gifts ceasing at the time of the arrival of the “perfect” and when he reached a “face to face” situation? Read the PDF notes HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of First Corinthians 15:1-58 -- What Kind of Resurrection Exactly?
Was Paul focused on biological resurrection or some other type of resurrection? And what did he have to say about the timing of the resurrection under consideration–anything? Find out these answers and more info in my PDF study HERE. (If you go thru my study on 1 Cor. 15, please remember to recall my chart on the Present Indicatives in 1 Cor. 15 in my “Interpretation & Tools” directory as you come upon my comments related to it; you’ll know when. Oh, and also I strongly encourage you to actually study my PDF notes on 2 Cor. 5:1-8 before you go through 1 Cor. 15; I think that will make my study on 1 Cor. 15 easier.) The introduction for this series of studies on youtube audio is below; from there you can follow on with the other parts.
A Study of Second Corinthians 5:1-8 -- The House Not Made by the Hands of Men
Was Paul actually talking here about our individual, biological bodies? Or is it possible that he was referring to an entirely different house, tent, tabernacle, temple that those of his time would more quickly think of when they read what he wrote in 2 Cor. 5:1ff? Consider all of this for yourself in my PDF notes HERE. I finally also got the audios done. There are five parts (the first one being the longest but necessary — sorry), so I’ll post the first one here, then you can go to youtube to carry on from there).
A Study of Ephesians 4:7-13 -- Continuationism?
What does it mean when Paul wrote of supernatural gifts being provided until the unity of the faith, the knowledge of God’s Son, a perfect man, and the stature of Christ’s fullness? Check out this explanation in the free PDF HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of Philippians 3:2-21 -- Resurrection's Relation to Righteousness
Have ya ever thought about how righteousness is connected to resurrection? And don’t ya ever wonder what Paul meant by how he and his audience had attained to the resurrection “to a degree”? Well check out this fascinating chapter study on PDF HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of First Thessalonians 4:13-17 -- A Rapture?
Is there really any such thing as “the rapture”? Well, what exactly did Paul mean when he wrote about being caught up and meeting the Lord in the air? Get my answers in the PDF HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of First Thessalonians 5:1-10 -- The Thief Motif
Was there “really” no info provided concerning the Lord’s return? If not, why did Paul tell some Christians of his generation that they knew something about the timing of the Lord’s return with salvation? Read some thoughts on this HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of Second Thessalonians 1:4-10 -- Tribulation to Tranquility
What in the world could Paul have meant by Jesus giving these Thessalonian Christians a reprieve from their persecutions upon the Lord’s return? Wouldn’t they have been long dead by then? I think you’ll find this a very interesting passage to consider in my PDF notes on this passage HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of Second Thessalonians 2:1-8 -- The Lord Already Returned?
Why would Paul be concerned in the least with whether or not Christians believed the Lord had already returned before the AD 50s? And why would anyone teach such a thing? Consider my answers to such questions in my PDF notes HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of Second Timothy 2:16-19 -- The Resurrection Already Occurred?
Why would Paul be concerned with whether or not some Christians were being taught that resurrection had occurred before the mid AD 60s? How would shipwreck the faith of some? What exactly was Pauls’s problem with what was being taught about this? Consider some answers to these questions and more in my PDF notes HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of First Peter 1:3-13 -- Salvation Ready to Be Revealed
What did Peter mean by salvation ready to be revealed in the last time or at the end of “these last times” (v. 20)? Hadn’t salvation already come to them by the mid AD 60s when this letter was penned? Consider my answers to these and more questions in my PDF notes HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of Second Peter 3:1-13 -- New Heavens and New Earth
Why were people scoffing at Jesus not returning within just 30+ years after He died? How many sets of “heavens and earth” do you see here? If righteousness is found in the new heavens and earth, then do we have Christ’s imputed righteousness yet? Does the second part of verse 8 contradict the first part of verse 8? Consider my answers to these questions and more in my PDF notes HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of Second Peter 3:8 (See Above At Mark 13:32.)
A Study of First John 2:28--3:2 -- Relation of Righteousness with the Return
Especially since it didn’t make those who saw Him in Palestine like Him, why in the world did John seem to say that seeing the Lord in person would make him and his audience like Him? Is there perhaps something we’re missing when we take this passage at face-value? Consider the answer to these and more questions in my PDF notes HERE. Or listen to the audio below:
A Study of Revelation 1:7 -- Every Eye to See the Lord's Return
Since the earth is a sphere, should we take this passage literally? And who exactly was meant by “the tribes of the earth”? And, if at least some folks would be saved and happy to see the Lord, why does this passage say that “ALL the tribes of the earth” would mourn at His return? Consider answers to these questions and more in my PDF notes HERE. Or listen to the audio below: