The Father And The Son

Would it surprise you if I said that not only did Jesus Himself share a reason for why He needed to be baptized, but even His immerser-cousin shared a reason why Jesus needed to be baptized by him? Well, you might recall the reason Jesus provided, but perhaps have never noticed John’s reason. So check out my notes on this PDF HERE. Or listen to the audio below. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.


When Was Jesus Born? -- December 25 or Not?

Though I don’t believe anyone can be completely dogmatic about the date Jesus was born, I do believe you will find these thoughts very compelling. So check out this powerpoint presentation converted to a PDF HERE for you. 🙂

Does It Matter What One Believes About Jesus?

Find out in an appealing powerpoint presentation conversion to PDF HERE.

The Knowledge of God

Surely knowing as much as you can about your Creator should be one of the most important goals, right? I mean, the whole desire of knowing who we are is founded in knowing Him, right? Well, consider some thoughts on this HERE.

The Only True God

Who is the only true God? And why ask this question? Because there are idols which are NOT God. So what constitutes an idol? Check out some thoughts on this HERE. And you can check out my audio for these notes at the link below:


God Is Evident

Is there actual evidence of the existence of God? Find out HERE. (This is a pdf of an attractive powerpoint presentation.) Consider these short-and-sweet arguments to kick off more studies along these lines for yourself. You may also listen to this transcript in audio form below:


What's the Nature of the Constitution of Jesus Today?

Is Jesus still a terrestrial/biological being today? If “no,” at what point did He change to become a celestial/non-biological being? If “yes,” then, since He didn’t change, why do most Christians assert that resurrected saints must change? Is Jesus now both terrestrial AND celestial? Was Jesus’ fleshly body meant to remain intact upon the opening of the way into the most holy place? View of Download PDF Transcript HERE for the following youtube audio if you wish to listen to it: